February 3 Monthly Meeting

Our speaker for February’s program will be Manuel Aybar. His topic will be “Taiwan Phalaenopsis Breeding Trends”. Manuel works in the Technology Industry and is originally from the Dominican Republic (a grower’s paradise!). He has been growing orchids for over 25 years, starting with dendrobiums, in which he specializes (phalaenopsis-type). He has been a member of GNTOS since 2000 and is an Accredited Judge with AOS, serving currently as Chair for the Dallas Judging Center. His current research includes the orchids of the Dominican Republic, to which he has gone on numerous orchid collecting trips. He is an often-requested speaker for orchids and attends many US and overseas orchid shows yearly as a judge.

Orchids 101 will begin at 2pm in the greenhouse. Lorna will be talking on recording your orchid collection.

Time to Renew Annual Membership!

GNTOS annual dues are upon us!  A renewing (or new) membership is $30 with additional people in the same household being $15.  If you pay before January 31, 2019, you will be listed in the 2019 GNTOS Yearbook.

If you haven’t already done so, you can renew your annual dues at our next meeting in January or mail in a check to our Treasurer.  Please check the last page of your monthly newsletter for her name and address.