Two unexpected, very attractive new species of Barkeria have recently been described. For our February meeting, Dr. Robert Marsh will review their characteristics, relationship to other species within the genus, and native environments. Then he’ll turn to surprising observations and unexpected – but hoped for – breakthroughs in his own Barkeria breeding program. Dr. Marsh has nearly 70 years of experience with growing orchids and has been a member of GNTOS since 1982. He and Dennis Szeszko founded MAS Orchids (, which provides information, culture tips, and photos of Barkeria species and hybrids. As usual, our program will be followed by an orchid table judging for members and an orchid raffle for everyone!
Orchids 101 will be a Q&A led by Charlie in the greenhouse at 2pm.
Remember that the Dallas Arboretum Valentine Show and Sale is coming up February 14-16 (Friday thru Sunday) at the arboretum. GNTOS will be there, so we are looking for people to man the tables we’ll be using. We still have 2-hour time slots open on all 3 days. You can sign up at this SignUpGenius link.