August 4 Repotting Demo

The August meeting will be a demonstration of various repotting techniques for a variety of genera led by the mother/daughter team of Linda Horton and Emily Quinn. They will show how to repot different orchid types and show some different mounting techniques. They will also give sources for materials needed. Both Linda and Emily are orchid judges with the Dallas Judging Center. They have been growing orchids for decades – we won’t mention how many…!  They have a greenhouse filled with a variety of orchid genera and can usually be found in said greenhouse working with them. Repotting can be a scary thought for new orchid growers but it is a basic skill we all need. So come join us and get tips to tackle this topic!

Orchids 101 will be led by Lorna, who will talk about how orchids are named, and then take questions about growing orchids.

July 7 Growing with LED Lights 

For our July meeting, Gage Moncrief will discuss the whys and wherefores of growing orchids under LED lights. This talk is designed for new orchid growers or those with limited space. Gage is the current President of the Central East Texas Orchid Society in Tyler. Interested in growing plants from a young age, he transitioned from growing outdoor plants to pursuing an interest in orchids, which evolved into a passion for slipper orchids, then an expansion into Aroids. He is the owner of SlipperGenix Orchids and will be bringing some of his plants for sale. Join us for an interesting topic for anyone growing orchids!

Charlie will be leading a Q&A session for Orchids 101 in the greenhouse at 2pm.