July 7 Growing with LED Lights 

For our July meeting, Gage Moncrief will discuss the whys and wherefores of growing orchids under LED lights. This talk is designed for new orchid growers or those with limited space. Gage is the current President of the Central East Texas Orchid Society in Tyler. Interested in growing plants from a young age, he transitioned from growing outdoor plants to pursuing an interest in orchids, which evolved into a passion for slipper orchids, then an expansion into Aroids. He is the owner of SlipperGenix Orchids and will be bringing some of his plants for sale. Join us for an interesting topic for anyone growing orchids!

Charlie will be leading a Q&A session for Orchids 101 in the greenhouse at 2pm.


We are having our first semi-annual fundraising auction of the year! Bring orchids you’d like to donate, divisions of healthy plants, orchid supplies you don’t use. We will auction off any orchid-related items. If your orchid isn’t blooming, attach a picture you’ve taken or a representative photo to the pot, so people will know what to expect. Also, bring finger foods to share! Funds raised go towards our annual orchid show and other needs. This is one of our favorite events each year. Come join the fun!

Because of the auction, there will not be any table judging or raffle, and no Orchids 101.