We are having our first semi-annual fundraising auction of the year! Bring orchids you’d like to donate, divisions of healthy plants, orchid supplies you don’t use. We will auction off any orchid-related items. If your orchid isn’t blooming, attach a picture you’ve taken or a representative photo to the pot, so people will know what to expect. Also, bring finger foods to share! Funds raised go towards our annual orchid show and other needs. This is one of our favorite events each year. Come join the fun!

Because of the auction, there will not be any table judging or raffle, and no Orchids 101.

May 5 Phalaenopsis workshop – repotting compots

Our May meeting will introduce us to repotting compots. Tim Brown and Emelia Hamilton will be showing us what a compot is, how it is separated and then potted up. They will explain what might be expected out of the orchid cross in the compot. The potted up phals will be given to people present at the program. We hope to see these plants in a few years in bloom! Come and see this part of reproducing phalaenopsis orchids.

At 2pm, Orchids 101 will be in the greenhouse. Lorna will be leading a discussion on mini orchids and their care.

Looking ahead to the June meeting – We will be having our first auction of 2024. Begin now looking over your orchids to see if there are any needing to be divided or some that you’d like to donate to the auction. We rely on our members to donate orchids to auction off, along w/ other orchid related items. The money we raise helps pay for our annual orchid shows.