September 4 meeting AOS Judging and Awards

Cecily Maciejeski, owner of Cedarwood Orchids and Ornamentals in Huntsville, TX, will be presenting a program on the process of judging and awards granted by the American Orchid Society. As part of the program, our Dallas Judging Center judges will hold an official judging event. If you have one or more plants that you’d like to bring for judging, clean them up and bring them with you!

Cecily has been growing orchids in Texas since 1998 and is an associate judge with the AOS, occasional society speaker, and lifelong learner. She has been breeding Cattleyas but has plans to expand to certain Oncidiums as well. Come and see how orchids are judged and learn about what judges look for in awardable plants!

Orchids 101 will be at 2pm in the greenhouse – Charlie will be leading the discussion.

August 7 meeting: Historic Cattleyas

Breeding cattleyas has been going on for over 100 years. Jeff Bradley has been growing some of these historic hybrids since he was six years old and will be speaking to us about them and the people he knew who hybridized them and grew them. Jeff’s collection now numbers over 3,000 species and hybrids. Come join us as we hear about and see these gorgeous catts! We will be having our usual table judging for members also and our raffle as well.

Orchids 101 will be at 2pm in the greenhouse with Lorna leading the discussion on general orchid naming and care.