July 7 Monthly Meeting

The July 7 program on “Recent Barkeria Hybrids & Line-bred Species” will be presented by Dr. Robert Marsh, a Society member for 37 years, and orchid grower for 60 years.  Dr. Marsh retired as Associate Head of the Molecular and Cell Biology Dept. at UT Dallas, and now teaches biochemistry as a part-time Senior Lecturer.  He has received American Orchid Society awards and now works to popularize Barkerias among orchid hobbyists. We will have our usual table judging and raffle after the talk.

Orchids 101 will be at 2pm in the greenhouse. Lorna will be talking about fertilizing your orchids.

June 2 Monthly Meeting

This is the first of our biannual auctions. Funds raised from the auctions help pay for our yearly shows. SO – look over your orchids and plan on donating divisions, extras, etc. to the auction, then plan on replacing them with new ones from the auction! Also, bring some food to share – finger foods, desserts, salads. It’s a really fun time to eat together, and then bid on some new orchids for your collection!

Because of the auction, there will be no Orchids 101 at 2pm, and no raffle or table judging.