December 2 Monthly Mtg

This is the time of year to look over your orchids and figure out if there’s some you want to clear away to make room for new ones!  Our semi-annual orchid auction is coming and it’s lots of fun!  Clean up and bring any orchids you’d like to replace, then prepare to bid!  Funds raised help pay for our Spring Orchid Show on March 8-9, 2019.

Also, plan on bringing some food to share – we enjoy a meal together before the auction begins.  So bring some food, bring some orchids, and bring some cash!

Because of the auction, there is no raffle, table judging, or Orchids 101.

November 4 Monthly Meeting

Fall is here and winter’s on the way – does that make a difference in how I treat my orchids?  Do I keep fertilizing?  Do I stop watering?  If you’re wondering about any of these questions, Karl Varian has answers for you!  Karl is a long-time society member and a student judge with the Dallas Judging Center.  And, he’s been growing orchids since 1960!  After his program, there will a raffle and table judging of orchids brought by members.  Come join us!

At 2pm, Orchids 101 will meet in the greenhouse.