November 5 Growing Orchids in Dallas

Dallas is hot. And cold. Sometimes humid and other times as dry as a software manual. Daniel Callahan, a member of GNTOS and an AOS judge with the Dallas Judging Center, is going to help us to adapt to and overcome the challenges we face in trying to grow orchids in Dallas. There will be lots of tips and tricks for all types of growers! We’ll be having our usual raffle and members’ table judging.

Orchids 101 will be a Q&A led by Charlie in the greenhouse at 2pm.

(AND REMEMBER to set your clocks back Saturday, Nov. 4!)

Remember that our December 3 meeting will be our 2nd auction this year! Be looking over your collection to see if there are some plants you could donate. These auctions help us raise funds for our really popular Spring Orchid Show and Sale, along with a few other events we attend to get the word out about our society. Please consider donations to the auction – and come prepared to purchase some new favorites for your collection!

October 1 meeting – “So, you bought an orchid!”

Now what? Learn the “now what do I do?” on October 1! Pick up some tips on keeping your orchid alive longer, maybe even get it to rebloom! There is an old orchid adage: “An expert orchid grower is someone who has killed more orchids than most people will ever own”. So even if your previous orchids have succumbed under your care, you can learn and do better next time! We will have our usual snacks provided, along with the table orchid judging for members and the raffle for everyone.

Orchids 101 will be a Q&A session led by Charlie – as usual, if it’s too hot, we will meet in the classroom rather than stay in the greenhouse. See you there!

A reminder: Our December meeting will be the 2nd of our 2 auctions for this year. This Fall, look over your orchids – would you like to replace some orchids with some new ones? Did you get several divisions this year from a repotting? You have a chance to donate some orchids to help the society pay for its Spring Orchid Show and Sale AND pick up some new orchids for your collection. So, begin thinking about what you can donate now.