Friday and Saturday, March 8-9, 2019
Richardson Civic Center
411 W Arapaho Rd.
Richardson, TX 75080
Orchid Theme: “Orchids in North Texas”
Setup begins Friday morning. Show begins in the afternoon on Friday and continues until Saturday afternoon.
Currently, there are 5 vendors signed up to come. See all details below!!!!
If you have plants for the GNTOS Society Exhibit, please contact Judy Cook with a list of plants you are bringing.
Judy’s email address is
SHOW SCHEDULE FOR THIS SHOW ONLY! Click here to download!
Schedule Of Events
Please click here for schedule of all events for both days.
Click here for Vendor Information and to pre-order plants from these vendors!
Judges Sign Up Form
Click here to sign up as a Judge for the show. Let us know if you are participating from the Judges Dinner. Judges Dinner is complimentary for judges. Any other non judge personnel, spouse, etc will require a $10 dinner contribution. Information provided inside the form.
Exhibit Space Registration
Please use this link if you would like to sign up to set up an exhibit. Vendors also need to sign up here for exhibit space. Exhibit sign up deadline is February 15th, 2018.
Volunteer Sign Up Sheet (Including Clerk and other Help needed! )
We have plenty of volunteering opportunities for the show. Click the link above to volunteer!
We need help with the GNTOS Entrance table manning, also need help with Entrance / Exit traffic control, Show Set Up, Etc. Also, help the Orchid Judges with the show judging! Great opportunity to help and see how a show is judged. Judging Starts at 6:00pm. If you would like to attend the Judges Dinner at 5:00pm, contribution is $10 / person.
Trophy Sponsorship Sign Up Sheet
Would you like to sponsor a trophy? Please click the link above to sign up for sponsorship of a trophy in any of the categories for award trophies. Minimum donation for trophy sponsorship is $20 dollars.
Food Monetary Donation
Our venue does not allow Food to be brought for our hospitality room. Please Contact Kathy Halverson at for donation opportunities for food to be used at the hospitality area.