At our August meeting, we will have accredited AOS judges select a few plants from the show table and judge them for us. It will be a chance to see and understand how the judging process occurs, and what the criteria are in judging orchids. We will have the AOS judges do the Ribbon judging first – just as they would at a show – and during that process, select plants that they feel should be more carefully reviewed for AOS judging. If you have some orchids you plan to bring for the show table, clean them up and remove dead leaves, etc. so they look extra special!
The Dallas Judging Center meets every 2nd Saturday of each month to judge orchids, using the criteria you will see during our meeting. Their judging and teaching time is open to visitors who want to see what they do. They meet at the Garland Senior Activity Center at 600 West Avenue A in Garland , TX. You are always welcome to come out and see what they do – and there’s a raffle every meeting, too, just like at our monthly meetings!
Orchids 101 will meet in the greenhouse at 2pm with Kathi leading the discussion this month.